Post-quantum cryptography ensures protection for sensitive data for which conventional methods will not be sufficient.

Digitale Darstellung eines Schlüssels, umgeben von Quanten auf einer Umlaufbahn

IT security is of immense importance. Companies already have to protect themselves against the loss of sensitive information, financial damage and loss of reputation. In the next few years, a major challenge will be added: quantum computing.

With their groundbreaking performance, quantum computers promise a revolution in the IT world. But they also pose a serious threat to IT security. In addition to the benefits of the technology, we must also consider the protection of sensitive information, for which conventional encryption methods will no longer be sufficient. What measures can be taken to optimally prepare and protect digital systems right now?

Challenges for IT security
Quantum computers perform complex calculations in a fraction of the time required by conventional computers. Their enormous computing power can also be used to crack previously secure encryption methods based on classical cryptography. Information that is considered secure today is therefore at risk in the future.

Post-quantum cryptography as a solution
IT research is already working on solutions to meet the challenges of quantum computing. Research is being conducted on so-called post-quantum methods. The new encryption methods are based on mathematical problems that are difficult to solve even for quantum computers.

What can you do right now?
Create an overview of your security infrastructure. Ideally, combine this with the introduction of an information security standard such as ISO 27001 or NIST. This way you document your entire IT infrastructure and can take appropriate protective measures more quickly.
Always stay up to date. Install updates for software and operating systems as quickly as possible. They close dangerous security gaps and protect your systems better against potential threats. Also, review your security strategies regularly to be able to react quickly to new threats.
Talk to your software suppliers about their plans on implementing quantum computer-resistant cryptography. The sooner your systems are prepared, the better.

The role of digital certificates
Digital certificates play a crucial role in IT security. They serve as electronic IDs and enable the authentication of parties as well as the encryption and integrity assurance of information. This makes them essential for secure communication and data protection.
The use of certificates based on quantum-safe encryption algorithms ensures that communication and data are protected even in a world of powerful quantum computers. In addition to switching to quantum-safe digital certificates, their automated management and renewal with certificate management tools such as essendi xc is also an important part of an IT security strategy. Especially with regard to the shortened certificate term of 90 days, automation brings decisive advantages.